Featuring Andrew Taylor, Jamie Goldman and Andreu Lacondeguy. The AT SHOWDOWN Best Trick contest 11/13/11. Special thanks to Jamie Goldman for the helmet cam footage. Congratulations to Andreu Lacondeguy for winning with a double back flip over the middle set. Music by Civilian Assaulthttp://www.burningtokenrecords.com/artist/civilian-assault Filmed by Danny Doyle of TBHSk8boarding and n8elder of Burning Token Media.
AT SHOWDOWN Best Trick 2011
Featuring Andrew Taylor, Jamie Goldman and Andreu Lacondeguy. The AT SHOWDOWN Best Trick contest 11/13/11. Special thanks to Jamie Goldman for the helmet cam footage. Congratulations to Andreu Lacondeguy for winning with a double back flip over the middle set. Music by Civilian Assault http://www.burningtokenrecords.com/artist/civilian-assault
Filmed by Danny Doyle of TBHSk8boarding and n8elder of Burning Token Media.
Edited by http://www.BurningToken.com